I've been a bit under-the-weather lately (more tired than sick though), so what I did not find amusing was finally returning to update my blog last night only to find out that my internet was down! Argh!
Work is so far so good. You guys guessed it right, I'm now employed at Value Village and I'm spending an inordinate amount of time there. Yesterday I was assigned to clean-up the kid's section, which I thought would go over well since I probably wouldn't find anything I would buy there. Wrong! There was a very cute shirt-dress and colorful skirt in the XL section. Oh dear. I'm supposed to be saving money for my trip in August. At least for now I haven't spent any! But I am eyeing a particular SLR camera... Maybe I'll luck out and someone would have already bought it by the time I return to work this afternoon.
Today I will also be attending my first wedding. Actually, I'll be missing the actual ceremony due to work (bummer), but I will be able to attend the long party afterwards! My boyfriend says there isn't anything to miss in the ceremony, but for a person who hasn't seen one yet, I'd say there's quite a bit to miss! I'm fascinated by cultural ceremonies. Anyways, last night I was scrounging around through my closet to see what would be appropriate attire. As you can see, it looks like I've given up color matching for a few weeks. I like the unexpected combinations. But the shawl does look rather dull and mumsy-ish... at least to me. Please excuse the messy hair.
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Weariness, Work, Weddings
Graduation Dresses II

Image Source: Saks, Nordstrom, Shopbop and Bloomingdales
I'm a complete sucker for odd little details on shoes, which is why I fell in love with these Alexandre Herchcovitch boots. They're stuck somewhere in between chunky and spindly, with much more of an emphasis on the chunky. I think the little heel at the bottom looks sort of like a kickstand. It almost looks as if the heel is floating. I'd love to traipse around in a pair of these curious little things. Maybe Jane from Sea of Shoes can snag herself a pair so I can live vicariously through her.
Images from left to right:
nylonmag.com, nymag.com, shoeblog.com
Nike Dri-FIT Technology

Kenzo Styling
Today for the first time in a while I felt a surge of creative energy and promptly raided my closet to throw together a more interesting outfit. I really do love to throw together prints. Although I am a big fan of minimalism, I tend to gravitate towards the eclectic more because it's so much easier to achieve with what I have in my closet at the moment. I really would love simple, well-tailored pieces as well, but alas I am a thrift-store addict and my closet has taken on a life of its own.
Belowen asked how my first day of work was. Would anyone like to guess where I ended up working for the summer? A big hint: I wore yellow tights yesterday and the obligatory red vest on top turned my outfit into something more Ronald McDonald inspired (wait! no! Don't guess McD's! I'd rather drop dead!). Another hint: I spend too much time there anyways.
So my first day actually went pretty well. It was a full workday and I watched training videos and answered questions for half of the time. The other half I spent bagging and putting things back on racks and consoling frustrated customers who stood in line for a long time (we had a huge sale day and the lines were incredibly long). Still, I felt comfortable there and, along with my internship at a local marketing firm, it makes my summer feel quite fulfilled.
So my outfit today was a mishmash of colors and patterns. It reminds me of the fall 2006 Kenzo collection, a favourite of mine. I seem to refer back to old collections very often. I guess whatever mood I'm feeling from moment to moment can't always be captured by the most recent collections.
Images from style.com
Cannes Festival Fashion 2008

Image Source: NY Mag and Style Dash
A sunset and a sunny pair of tights
I wish the weather would hurry up and decide what it wants to do today because the forecast says rain but I only see a rather bright overcast sky. Today I start my first shift of work. Luckily I found a place that doesn't require I fit the designated company "look" otherwise my blog posts would get pretty dull pretty fast. So here's what I'm going to wear (it's an afternoon-evening shift). Let's hope these shoes stay comfy for 8 hours. I'll bring an extra pair just in case.
And just for fun, here was the scene on the beach yesterday. It was incredibly gorgeous. A nice color palette for a dramatic dress.
Happy Memorial Day

Another fun platform to look at are these Chloe's (right). They actually look more comfortable, considering the thick straps and all.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Image Source: Intermix Online and Shopbop
Fabric Mutt
I took photos of this particular outfit Friday night before I went to a Ladytron concert but then my camera ran out of batteries and I never got around to making a post. I really should have done it yesterday since I had all afternoon to recharge them but I was being rather lazy and went out to see a movie instead. Bad blogger! By the way, if you're into a suspenseful emotional roller coaster, see the Italian film The Unknown Woman. Both my friend and I were left in tears by the end of the movie. I think my emotional quota is filled for the week.
Back to the outfit, this skirt was purchased at Value Village many months ago but I never quite knew what to pair it with, so it was never worn. But I am still very attracted to the odd combination of purple suede and burnt orange corduroy. So now as I am attempting to reacquaint myself with my closet, I pulled it out again and paired it with whatever struck me first. That would be this pretty blue top. I actually ended up wearing it with a dark teal v-neck tee just in case the crowd in the front would get rowdy (wouldn't want buttons popping off anywhere), but I like this version better, so I'm posting the blue blouse.
Random note: I think I need to come up with new poses. How do models do it?
The Favourite, H&M
Today I trekked down to the newly opened H&M flagship store to check out the stock. I was pleasantly surprised to find things that weren't at all casual or beachy (which was all I ran into in our other two stores). I saw many pieces I liked. A few dresses and jackets. None of them were in my size, however. I couldn't find anything smaller than size 8 really. So I'll go back sometime after all the hoopla has calmed down to check it out again. I should ask when they expect to restock...
Now that the H&M Fall line previews have been released, I am extremely glad to have a larger store open where I might actually have the chance to come by some of their more editorial items. I love the layers and layers of knits, dramatic hooded coat, long cardigan, floaty blue skirt, the little beige jacket (is that leather? it reminds me of Marni!) and many many others things. Are these shoes actually H&M as well? They look extremely alike to the Chloe versions. Oh and those black over the knee boots are divine. I'm salivating.
Images from tfs.com
Lanvin Flats

Still though, the price is a bit steep for flats. Maybe if they were $300.
Image Source: Barneys
Interview Day
Today I managed to book myself three job interviews. It was pretty hectic. I'm awaiting the response of the third one (which should be tomorrow) before I decide. Nothing special, just some small jobs in retail. I still do have a nice internship at a local fashion marketing firm which I am very excited about, however. The outfit below is what I wore to the last interview. I wore my new dress to the first two. I hope all goes well. It would be nice to pay off my little trip to Prague and Bucharest early.
Graduation Dresses I

The other dress (right) is from Plenty and it is THE most perfectly fitted dress. It is the epitomes of elegance and style. It is feminine and pretty, without exposing too much skin. It looks absolutely GORGEOUS on too. My ONLY problem with it, is the high neck. Nothing against high necks in general- just that it would poke out from under the V neck of my graduation gown, which would not be pretty. This would be THE perfect dress if I had a wedding to go to. Anyone want to invite me to a wedding some time soon?
Image Source: Net a Porter and BCBG
Breaking the Shopping Fast
And my old loafers for kicks: