Today I stalked off to Zara to check out the fall stock that is slowly trickling in. I did see some crazy wooly Rick Owens/Marni-inspired vests that would be fun to try out, were the prices not out of my range for mere experiments. But I did come out lucky! Does anyone remember that floral blazer I blogged about earlier? Today there were a couple left on the racks marked down by about 70%! I snatched up the last small quickly and traipsed to the cashier with glee.
I also took a couple of photos of some lovely pieces I wouldn't mind having in my wardrobe. Maybe when they go on sale... The shoes are divine!
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New Favorite Blazer
All Zipped Up
I am a complete sucker for versatile pieces that can completely change an outfit. Susie Bubble's new zippered neckpiece is a perfect example of what I am talking about. I can see it being worn over everything from fitted black blazers, to wispy floral mini dresses. If I had even an ounce of the talent of Outi from Outsapop I'd be on the task as we speak. Unfortunately, I'm far too impatient to properly finish my diy projects. I tend to stick to hemming skirts or taking in large pieces. Fortunately, my two grandmothers are officially moving to Vancouver to stay for good this fall. That means that I'll have two talented ladies with tons of time on their hands to do my bidding. Hehehe. Ideas of beautiful custom-made clothes are swirling in my head.
Reinterpreting the Shirt Dress

Image Source: Ralph Lauren, Paul and Joe Sister, Top Shop, Nordstrom and Net a Porter
Fall 08 Picks
Having nothing better to do whilst staying home sick, I browsed through all of my saved images from the Fall collections and decided to take note of what I'd like to look for in these coming months. I don't remember these particular looks being labeled as key trends, but they're definitely something I'd like to try. I've never worn long skirts in a casual way before, but they look perfect for chilly days when tights just won't do. I don't know how practical it would be to wear a floor-length skirt when my campus starts to flood from rain, however. Maybe I'll save them for the dry windy days (if I'm lucky enough come across some this winter).
Insecurities and Comfort Clothing
Have any of you been through this scenario: you're about to make a blog post, you don't have a strong source of light for photos, your camera can't scale focus, your photos end up too blurry, or too dark, or your thighs look a little too round in this photo... You're basically worried that your recent posts aren't up to scratch. I think bloggers need a good amount of self-confidence, not to put up with criticism from others, but to battle that inevitable self-criticism. Does blogging have the tendency to make you scrutinize yourself in ways you wouldn't have done before? Does it make you paranoid about hitting the streets in a mediocre outfit out of fear of being recognized? I am very much interested in hearing about your experiences with these rough patches.
Night time is still rather chilly so last night I donned quite a few layers including a military-style blazer I share with my boyfriend. It fits like a glove on him, but I also like the casual looseness of it on me. It's like my cozy security blanket, with the added bonus of looking great on top of anything.
Urban Renewal

The thing is though, I'm still not really sure how I feel about this concept of "Urban Renewal." Besides the fact that you still do not know who the previous (many!) owners are, I heard that the renewed material is very scratchy and not very comfortable. On the other hand, we do use recycled paper and why not clothes? Thoughts?
Image Source: Urban Outfitters
The UV Rays Up There
White Flip Flops

Another white flip flop I've looked at are these ones from Banana Republic. The patent leather strip and sole transforms this simple, classic design from the beach to the streets. This design also comes in a rainbow of sharp colors and are relatively cheaper than the Tory Burch's (more available too!). The only question now is which color?

Image Source: Tory Burch, Banana Republic and Nordstrom
Chasing Harry Winston

The plot was predictable and mellow. I felt like I was just cruising along the story. Nothing exciting ever happens, because she tries this technique where she just ends the chapter when something does happen and then picks up again after the event. Leigh breaks up with her fiance and we get to read about how nervous she was before the event and her reflections after the event. Adriana meets her "future husband" and we hear about them dating from talks by the other two girls. It was like a whole book of reflection, where the readers were put in the peripheral of the story instead of INSIDE the story. And the other thing is that nothing bad ever happens to the characters. They all lead a charmed, perfect life and everything just magically comes to them, with no obstacles to overcome or anything. One decides she wants to travel the world and a fabulous job miraculously appears. One wasn't even trying and simply finds her true calling in writing. And the other just decides to leave everything she's worked for behind and everything works out. I know that being realistic is not exactly the primary goal of chick lits, but this is just a bit overboard. To give her credit, the characters do each experience life changing revelations (there really wouldn't BE a story otherwise), but everything just came together a little too perfectly.
The relationship between this story and Harry Winston is not a giant rock on a ring as I'd first imagined (and the cover alluded to). The only reference to Harry Winston is a pair of diamond earrings that Salma Hayek wore to the Oscars from there, that a suitor gave to one of them. I guess they were just looking for a catchy title.
One thing Weisberger does do well however, are her characters. She paints them all in a very distinctive but relatable light. My favourite character is Leigh, who has the perfect job and the perfect boyfriend. The thing I love about her most is her control freak tendencies and need to be alone. I can totally relate to that. I LOVED it when she applied sunscreen on her body, then sprayed herself with more sunscreen in case she missed any spot and THEN applied a more expensive sunscreen on her face- rationing that the rest of them will regret it later when they need botox and laser treatment to get rid of their wrinkles and dark spots. That is MY rational as well (although I don't apply quite so thoroughly as she does). Next is Emmy, who just got dumped by her ex of five years, and her dearest dream is to get married and have lots of kids. Having never "played around," she is still very shy around guys and we get to see her get out of her shell in that respect. I feel for every step she took. Then there is Adriana, the fabulously gorgeous and wealthy Brazilian girl who leads the perfectly charmed life. However, even she feels a bit empty, lost and worried about her future. Sounds familiar?
Honestly, not a very original, engaging nor well-written book. But if you are looking for something light and brainless to past time on the beach (or just time in general).........then by all means. It's good and cheery enough to bring a smile to my lips in the end (happy endings always warms me up!).
Image Source: Amazon
So I was about half-way through writing a long-winded rant about my disappointment with the lack of creativity I'm seeing in resort collections when I decided to reign in the unnecessary negativity and focus on something that I do enjoy. That would be Limi Feu's quirky/cozy fall collection. There's nothing better than wrapping yourself in layers of comfy knits when you're feeling under the weather health-wise. Somehow I managed to catch some sort of feverish cold in the middle of July. All the more reason to avoid letting my thoughts go under as well. There is definitely some truth to healing properties of positive thinking.
Images from
(Couldn't find the proper credit)
Bras with Different Straps at the Back

Btw, I didn't even consider a strapess, backless bra because I imagine they would feel very uncomfortable and insecure. If any of you have used one, what did you think of them?
Image Credits:,
Chanel Paris-London 2008 Ad Campaign
Image Credit:
Rough Roads Ahead
A couple of days ago the Telegraph posted an article about plunging hemlines, which have historically been linked to bad economic times. I'm not quite sure how strongly the two are correlated in this instance, even though maxi-dresses are definitely an established trend. It isn't as if the majority of the population is out and about in floor-skimming skirts. It's quite the opposite, at least in my city. Not that I don't believe we're in a bad state economy-wise. It's one of those topics I obsessively read about every day. In fact, I think it's ridiculous that I still see newspaper headlines claming that we might be "heading" for a "down-turn". Come on guys, it's a recession okay? Stop with the euphemisms already. Does this mean that we are in for longer hemlines next fashion week season?
Click here for the article.
Shopping Day
Today the boy and I went thrift-shopping. But of course, by thrift-shopping I mean we went to Value Village because of my awesome employee discount. Has anyone else who's ever been to Value Village or Savers noticed that their prices are steadily rising? The pricers are becoming much more efficient at spotting higher-quality brands. Sometimes their decisions leave me scratching my head though. For example, once I was clearing the shoe section to find a pair of old Prada shoes. They looked very dated, almost orthopedic. But they were priced at $34.99! Now just because the shoes were a well-known brand doesn't mean used shoes merit that kind of price. Maybe if they were extremely of-the-moment. Once I found a pair of beautiful buckle boots I still regret not buying.
Anyways, we did manage to score some beautiful items for him. The first blue jacket was his find. I'm in love with the color and shape. It's very streamlined. But then you look at the back... Unexpected for sure.
I put the second outfit together. We were going for an Etro-style pop of color for the pocket square (which is actually a scarf of mine because we didn't find any to our liking today). I like the bookish professorly look to the blazer. It's rather hard to match pants to it though. Any suggestions?
Lastly, we scored a rare perfectly fitted trench. You normally find the most hideous coats in thrift stores. The shoulders are too large and the sleeves are too short (at least on tall folk). This was a lucky find indeed.
We also bought a midnight blue velvet blazer, a black velvet blazer, a few shirts and a pair of wool pants (who knew that small pleats can look quite good?). Alas, there are no pictures of these items because Kevin was getting too hot and tired for more shots. Oh well, some other time.
As for me. Today I wore a light pink dress that I belted up to shorten.
And what's a photoshoot without a few silly moments? Here is a picture of a toy car I picked up from an empty lot...
And here is a picture of me fallig backwards off of the said car. Or acting like a zombie. Whichever works for you.
Update: Everything is fixed! I temporarily upgraded my photobucket to pro, and will be looking for my own domain to store images in the months to come. Sorry for the hoopla!
Bandwidth Exceeded?
To my horror, I logged onto my blog today ready to update and found a bunch of ugle "bandwidth exceeded" warning signs from Photobucket. Does anyone know what this means? Have people been linking to my photos from elsewhere? Did too many people come onto the blog at once? Please bear with me while I try to sort the issue out. Thanks!
Perfectly Natural Lips

Unfortunately not everyone's lips are the same and what looks good on the model does not always look good on you. I know, because I tried buying the exact same color as the model in an ad campaign and it turned out to be waaay too red for me! So I guess it wouldn't be helpful to talk about exact lip colors here. We can however, talk about the effects to strive for and favourite lipcolor brands around.

These ad campaigns with those fabulously natural yet gorgeous lip colors have finally inspired me to test out and wear lipstick more regularly (more than before anyway, which was zero......). I hope it has done the same for you!
Image Source: Lucky Mag, Allure, Shiseido, Maquillage and Cle de Peau