El catálogo de Mango lleva semanas dando vueltas por casa, junto con mi cabeza y mi tiempo libre, aunque a estos aún no los he encontrado entre tanto exámen. Terry Richardson nos translada en esta ocasión a Paris, le chic parisien, la ciudad del amor, la ciudad de las luces, la casa de Chanel, y mi nueva obsesión.

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Forever21 AGAIN
If the last sale wasn't enough...then here's some news for you!
Forever21 is on sale AGAIN for the Megamall Pre-Holiday Sale
this holiday weekend: Oct 29 - Nov 1. 10% off on regular items, with your SM Advantage, SM Prestige and BDO Rewards Cards. 0% interest for 6 months installments.
Forever21 is on sale AGAIN for the Megamall Pre-Holiday Sale
this holiday weekend: Oct 29 - Nov 1. 10% off on regular items, with your SM Advantage, SM Prestige and BDO Rewards Cards. 0% interest for 6 months installments.
Hope to see you there!!! :D
Now Open!
Good news!
Jul Dizon, Edsa Shangri-La Hotel, is now open.
Jewellery enthusiasts can shop to their hearts delight at the elegantly re-furbished salon.
Congratulations Ginny, Anne, Candy and Lucille!
Mom was supposed to be my date but she chickened out when she found out there were other people. She hates big crowds and small talks. Seriously, I've never known a more private person than her. Once we were at a social event (extremely rare occasion for her) and when a photographer took a picture of us, she gave a fake name. True story.
She'll kill me when she sees this. :)
She supports me in EVERYTHING except this blog. haha.
He visto muchas editoriales en mi vida, no sabría decir cuál ha sido la que más me ha gustado, pero si cuál de ellas me ha impactado más. Tenía más que asumido que un estilismo o un peinado determinado tenian, por norma general, asignada una franja de edad para la que se consideraban adecuados, pero la verdad, nunca me había parado a pensar mucho en que ocurría lo mismo con el maquillaje. Desde que vi estas imágenes de Vogue Paris en noviembre del 2008 se me quedaron grabadas en la retina y ahora que he vuelto a ver 'El curioso caso de Benjamin Button' donde el maquillaje juega un papel fundamental he vuelto a reflexionar sobre ellas. Sombra aquí, sombra allá, luz aquí luz allá et voilá! 1 Eniko, 6 décadas. ¿no es realmente increible la magia del maquillaje?
I've seen loads of editorials in my life. I can't chose between them which one I liked the most, but I can select the most impressive. I had more than assumed that an specific outfit or a hairstyle had a age fringe associated but I'd never stopped to think that it happens aswell with make-up. Since I saw these photos from Vogue Paris on november 2008 i couldn't forgot them and now I've just seen again 'The curious case of Benjamin Button', where make-up covers an important paper, I've reflect on it again. Shadow, eyeliner, lipstick, light...et voilá! 1 Eniko, 6 decades. Isn't it amazing what make-up can do?
MODEL: Eniko Mihalik PHOTOS: Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin STYLING:
Carine Roitfeld MAKE-UP: Lisa Butler
Stephanie Northwood-Blyth o lo que es lo mismo, Bambi, quizás aún no se crea todas las cosas que le han pasado en el último año. Esta australiana de 19 años, al contrario que la mayoría de sus compañeras de profesión, apenas acaba de dar sus primeros pasos en el complejo mundo de las pasarelas; sin embargo en un tiempo record ya ha protagonizado diversas editoriales, desfilado para diseñadores de renombre, conseguido su primera portada, y, como no, sido captada por numerosos blogs de street style convirtiendose en una nueva it girl. Le seguiremos la pista...
Stephanie Northwood-Blyth alias Bambi, may not believe yet all the things that had happened to her in the last year. This 19 years old australian model, has just opened the doors of this complex fashion world but, in a record time, she has been featured in a lot of different photoshoots, she has appearred in some wellknown designer's shows, she has got her first cover and, what's more, she has been shot by some great street style blogs became this way a new it girl. We will follow her steps..
NO magazine+jak&jill
It Takes Two
Since it's been awhile since our last joint post, we went a little trigger happy for this one.
This is our "pretend we're walking around Bryant Park during Fashion Week" series!
vintage top, F21 jeans, Soule Phenomenon shoes, Aranaz bag
We decided to crawl out from under our rock and head over to SM Makati for the Fashion Forum event where they debuted the department store's high end brands.

with our blogger dates, Dani and Paolo of The Shady Chronicles.

We also bumped into Aisa and Bestie!
Here are some of our picks from the show:
We decided to crawl out from under our rock and head over to SM Makati for the Fashion Forum event where they debuted the department store's high end brands.
with our blogger dates, Dani and Paolo of The Shady Chronicles.
We also bumped into Aisa and Bestie!
Here are some of our picks from the show:
Forever21 SALE!
Forever21 goes on SALE this weekend!!!
Oct 15 - 17: Friday (9:30am-11pm), Saturday (10am-11pm) and Sunday (10am-10pm)
10% off on all regular items when you present your SM Advantage Card, SM Prestige Card or BDO Rewards Cards up to 50% off on selected items
Here are some of my picks that are going on sale!!! All for P409 only :) See you there!
Ni los zapatos a lo japo que invadieron el Grand Palais en el desfile de Chanel, ni la inspiración circense de Miu Miu, ni el cambio radical de Louis Vuitton (del que ya hablaremos) han conseguido ganarse mi 'respeto'. De la Paris Fashion Week ss 2011 sólo saco una cosa en claro: decepción. Apenas logro salvar por mucho que las miro unas pocas prendas de la mayoría de los diseñadores de los que me esperaba algo grande, o al menos mejor; aunque tampoco acuso exactamente a la falta de originalidad como causante principal del asunto. Pero entonces apareció Alber Elbaz para salvarnos...
Neither the japanese inspired shoes that invaded the Grand Palais at Chanel's show, nor the Miu Miu's circus inspiration, nor the radical Louis Vuitton change haven't conviced me. From the Paris Fashion Week ss 2011 I just can conclude one thing: disappointment. Actually I believe I just can save a few garments from those designers I expected something big, or by the way, something better, but anyway, I don't exactly blame the lack of originality the causal. But then, Alber Elbaz came and save us...
Por si alguna vez lo dude, ahora puedo afirmar rotundamente que es mi creador fetiche. Logra sorprenderme temporada tras temporada aunque sin perder esa esencia que grita Lanvin. Elegancia y lujo, delicadeza y perfección. Para el próximo verano nos propone jugar con el movimiento, telas vaporosas, pliegues que se adaptan como una segunda piel y una gama crómatica inmejorable. Pasen, vean y disfruten..
If I used to hesitate about who was my favourite desginer, I guess know I solved all my doubts. Alber Elbaz surprise me season after season, but at the same time, without losing that esence that screams Lanvin. Elegance, luxury and perfection. For next summer, he propose us to play with movement, sheer cloths, pleats that are able to adapt themselves as a second skin and an unbeatable cromatic range. Come, see and enjoy...
Endless Spring
thirfted skirt, Zara top, H&M sunglasses, H&M heels
It's been awhile hasn't it? Been really busy with a whole bunch of
projects! By November I'll be back posting more regularly...I hope! :)
projects! By November I'll be back posting more regularly...I hope! :)
Anyway! While Hanna was scoring on one fantastic
thrifted item after another (see previous post --- Thrifted Celine. ENVY.),
I came up almost empty handed until I came across this skirt!
thrifted item after another (see previous post --- Thrifted Celine. ENVY.),
I came up almost empty handed until I came across this skirt!
Minus the 'granny' vibes it's definitely workable don't you think???
Renegade Folk Birthday Sale!

We're inviting you to Renegade Folk's Birthday Sale! It is by invitation only. For everyone to get a free invite, here's the mechanics:
Follow them on http://twitter.com/renegade_folk, Facebook or on http://renegadefolkshoes.com/. All their followers and fans will automatically get a free invite and be the first to get a hold of Renegade Folk pairs at 50% OFF!
They are giving away a FREE PAIR to a lucky follower/fan to be announced on Friday, October 15, 2010 (you may claim your prize at the Birthday Sale) Winners will be chosen via Random.org
Tip: Want a better chance of winning?
Tweet about it (http://twitter.com/renegade_folk)
Tweet about it (http://twitter.com/renegade_folk)
Scarf Shirt
Thrifted vintage Celine Scarf Shirt! A lucky find when Lil Miss R and I went for an out of town adventure with Bianca.
Check out the engraved mother of pearl buttons!
Uh-oh, three posts in three consecutive days.
This can only mean one thing.
I've got too much time in my hands and have nothing else better to do with my life.
To be fair, I have been planning my next adventure and booking flights for my up-coming escape.
I cannae wait to bust out again.
Old School
Went out for a nice long lunch with my friends Missy, Alexi, Anjie and Isabel today. We tried this Indian place along Jupiter called 'something' of India or 'Indian Spice' or 'Indian Flavors' or something with the word India in it. I actually can't remember the name but suffice it to say I really enjoyed the food. I had a chicken vindaloo which was spicy, lovely and had me drinking a gallon of water.
Aaaah, going out for looonng lunches is the activity I love most in life. While afternoon teas, dinner parties, walking around a beautiful garden, going for a picnic, and wandering in costume museums follow very closely...
'Hi, I'm Hanna and I just casually turned 60 overnight.'
My friends always tease me because I never go to parties at night. It's like I got sick of the 'scene' before I was ever a part of it. This is partly because I hate the dark (going to the cinema used to give me the creeps..think of your proximity to all the total randoms. though recently a friend has tried to convert me with success!) and partly because I can't stand the smell of smoke sticking to my clothes and hair (the concept of 'no smoking in enclosed spaces' has yet to reach my country). Besides, people on a night out seem to only have 'fake' fun. And in my books, if you can't be fun while sober, then chances are you're no fun at all.
Also, when else can you knit?
Or get massages?
Or look through your mother's drawers?
Vintage Python bag from Edinburgh by way of Cyprus. It's fascinating how far this bag has traveled to belong to me. Behind it, a back issue of Vanity Fair with Grace Kelly on the cover. Vanity Fair has always been my favorite magazine..in this issue there is a marvelous story about the 2 men who founded Time magazine and a beautiful write-up on Christian Louboutin that makes me wish I was his friend. You can also spy my Ipod, a generous gift from my technologically savvy sister and my lipstick which I cannot live without.

The baubles worn today. My Jul Dizon Indian cuff with rose cut diamonds and a cabochon ruby, my burmese ruby ring (the most fascinating shade of red!), my navette ring from ama, and my topaz ring from Malena (I miss you!).
Vintage Python bag from Edinburgh by way of Cyprus. It's fascinating how far this bag has traveled to belong to me. Behind it, a back issue of Vanity Fair with Grace Kelly on the cover. Vanity Fair has always been my favorite magazine..in this issue there is a marvelous story about the 2 men who founded Time magazine and a beautiful write-up on Christian Louboutin that makes me wish I was his friend. You can also spy my Ipod, a generous gift from my technologically savvy sister and my lipstick which I cannot live without.
The baubles worn today. My Jul Dizon Indian cuff with rose cut diamonds and a cabochon ruby, my burmese ruby ring (the most fascinating shade of red!), my navette ring from ama, and my topaz ring from Malena (I miss you!).
Looking For Lola @ First Dibs
photos from The Shady Chronicles
Thank you everyone who checked out Looking For Lola at First Dibs!!!
Read more about it on my friend and Lola partner's blog The Shady Chronicles
Inspiration: The Trench
via Streethearts
I must have this outfit in my life. <3
PS. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, it's been an EXTREMELY busy month!
Will be back soon
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