Just a quick post with some random pictures I found on my computer. Loads of metal jewelry, hats, sunglasses, blue and sand.
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last days in the bkk
Topshop tank, Zara skirt, H&M sunglasses, So!Fab sandals

Topshop romper, brother's denim jacket, So!Fab shoes, H&M sunglasses, F21 earrings
A few more photos from the last 2 days of my trip to Bangkok 2 weeks ago :)
black wedding dress
Keuse van die beste swart Wedding Dress
Deur Tyrah Lopez
Trourok is een van die belangrikste oorwegings en 'n deel van die plan wat jy moet maak as jy jou voorberei vir jou groot dag. Daar is algemene kleure dat baie mense gaan vir al wat jy kan staan en besluit om te gaan vir 'n kleur wat uniek is. Dit sal jou groot dag 'n onvergeetlike een te maak. Een van hierdie kleure is swart. Daar is 'n swart trourok wat baie mense het nie oorweeg maar dit kan die beste effek en tema vir jou troue gee.
Die swart trourok is 'n unieke rok dat wanneer gemengde goed kan staan uit die beste effek en verandering te gee aan jou huwelik. Daar is wenke wat kan help kies jy die beste swart trourok. Hierdie is;
Kies 'n pragtige en eenvoudige rok wat gee jou' n elegante en gesofistikeerde voorkoms. Jy kan alternatiewelik dit op jou eie die ontwerp en die styl wat jy wil aan te pas. Dit is ook 'n doeltreffende manier van spaar die koste wat jy sou gebruik om die rok aanlyn te koop.
Daar is baie baie online winkels wat verkoop 'n verskeidenheid trourokke waar jy kan jou ideale keuse vind. Neem jou tyd en blaai deur so baie sites as moontlik aan die einde met die beste wat jy kan vind. Dit sal help jy weet die mode neiging en die nuwe ontwerpe in die mark. Die vergelyking sal ook in staat stel om die beste aanbod vir die beste swart trourok.
Oorweeg die tema van jou troue. Black werk die beste vir Halloween seisoen. Dit sal die beste effek en geheue van die seisoen van jou troue. Baie mense kan nie eens met jou keuse, maar hulle kan gebaseer op die pad te waardeer dit lyk op jou.
Jy kan kyk in die plaaslike winkels rondom jou area en kyk vir die beste ontwerp, dan vra of dieselfde ontwerp kan gevind word in swart. Dit sal jou red die tyd wat inkopies doen vir 'n spesifieke swart rok. Dit moet genoeg tyd aangesien baie min winkels verkoop of het hierdie rokke in te vertoon of op voorraad.
As jy van plan is jou swart trourok is daar maniere wat jy kan verseker dat dit uitstaan uit te dra. Jy kan meng dit met ander kleure soos wit in klein gedeeltes van die rok, gebruik ander kleur van blomme en bykomstighede. Die kleure wat kan versnit goed met rooi is helder rooi en oranje sonsondergang onder andere, afhangende van jou troue tema.
Jy kan die tradisie kombineer deur 'n hele wit tuxedo. Jy kan kies die bridesmaid rokke wat 'n swart gordel of draai dit toe in' n kombinasie van die ander kleure op jou rok of ander verwante kleure op jou tema. Kies make-up wat by jou vel en voorkom skree kleure wat maak jy kyk wild. Jy kan ook probeer om uit bykomstighede soos die gebruik van linte om die nek of middellyf lyn. Jy kan ook gebruik om ander kleure wat goed kan meng met jou swart trourok soos wit ivoor, room, en ligter skakerings van die primêre kleure. Dit kan gebruik word in plekke soos die jewelries, hare stuk, skoene en handskoene.
Deur Tyrah Lopez

Die swart trourok is 'n unieke rok dat wanneer gemengde goed kan staan uit die beste effek en verandering te gee aan jou huwelik. Daar is wenke wat kan help kies jy die beste swart trourok. Hierdie is;
Kies 'n pragtige en eenvoudige rok wat gee jou' n elegante en gesofistikeerde voorkoms. Jy kan alternatiewelik dit op jou eie die ontwerp en die styl wat jy wil aan te pas. Dit is ook 'n doeltreffende manier van spaar die koste wat jy sou gebruik om die rok aanlyn te koop.

Oorweeg die tema van jou troue. Black werk die beste vir Halloween seisoen. Dit sal die beste effek en geheue van die seisoen van jou troue. Baie mense kan nie eens met jou keuse, maar hulle kan gebaseer op die pad te waardeer dit lyk op jou.
Jy kan kyk in die plaaslike winkels rondom jou area en kyk vir die beste ontwerp, dan vra of dieselfde ontwerp kan gevind word in swart. Dit sal jou red die tyd wat inkopies doen vir 'n spesifieke swart rok. Dit moet genoeg tyd aangesien baie min winkels verkoop of het hierdie rokke in te vertoon of op voorraad.
As jy van plan is jou swart trourok is daar maniere wat jy kan verseker dat dit uitstaan uit te dra. Jy kan meng dit met ander kleure soos wit in klein gedeeltes van die rok, gebruik ander kleur van blomme en bykomstighede. Die kleure wat kan versnit goed met rooi is helder rooi en oranje sonsondergang onder andere, afhangende van jou troue tema.
El pasado lunes finalmente terminé los exámenes del primer semestre, y cuándo pensé que el día no podía ser mejor, llegué a casa y me encontré con un paquete sobre la cama: Conxita de Women' Secret me había enviado una muestra de la nueva colección 'New Year: Dreaming of Spring'! Abrí la cajita, muy orginal por cierto, y me encontré con un precioso camisón, el que podeis ver en la esquina inferior izquierda. Una prenda que encarna a la perfección el espíritu de la colección, ante todo muy femenina y sexy, que combina el negro y el rosa palo en delicadas prendas con encajes, transparencias y sofisticadas telas. Os recomiendo que os paseis por la tienda para comprobarlo por vosotras mismas!
Last monday I finally finished my first term university exams and when I thought the day couldn't be better, I arrived home and found a box on my bed: Conxita from the underwear spanish brand Women' Secret had sent me a piece from their new collection 'New Year: dremaing of spring'! I opened the box, a very original one by the way, and I found a extremely nice nightdress (the one you can see on the down left corner). A piece that represent perfectly the spirit of the full collection, a very sexy and feminine one that combines black and pale pink in delicated pieces with lace, transparencies and sofisticated fabrics.
individial images form ws, collage made by me
PD: Miriam y Marina sortean dos preciosos accesorios en su blog. Pasate, descúbrelos y por qué no? participa tu también!
PD: Miriam y Marina sortean dos preciosos accesorios en su blog. Pasate, descúbrelos y por qué no? participa tu también!
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where we'll be sharing with you a variety of local and international fashion news and features.
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I'll be MIA for the rest of the week...flying to Singapore for the weekend :) - Rosanna
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Nunca me he declarado fan de Missoni, y menos de sus campañas por mucha Leighton Meester que ahora aparezca en ellas. Encuentro sus característicos estampados demasiado recargados para mi gusto, soy más minimal digamos, y eso que, como dice la portada de Harper's Bazaar España de este mes, ahora minimal es más. Sin embargo siempre hay una excepción que se salta la regla, e indagando en campañas y editoriales antiguas me encontré con ésto:
I've never been fan of Missoni and neither of its campaigns even if Leighton Meester appears on them. I really find their characteristic patterns so overelaborated, let's say I'm more minimal for that, and as Harper's Bazaar Spain cover from this month says, now minimal is more. Anyway, there's always a exception that breaks the rule and inquiring into old campaigns and editorial I came across this:
dark denims
Saw these red babies from Soule Phenomenon and I just couldn't resist!
The Weekender denim top, thrifted skirt, H&M jacket, clogs from Hong Kong
Went on a denim overload last week. Denim on denim on denim! Too much?
Went on a denim overload last week. Denim on denim on denim! Too much?
Paris 2011! Hope it pushes through...can't wait!
Primero fue el hecho de llevar múltiples anillos lo que inundó la blogosfera. Ahora le ha llegado el turno a los anillos múltiples o anillos dobles (aunque admitámoslo, como muchas otras veces, en inglés suena mejor: double finger ring) y en especial a aquellos con forma de cruz o de hoja. Originalidad sin duda no le falta a este nuevo accesorio que se alza como un nuevo must de la temporada. Yo ya tengo el mio!
First ,the fact of wearing a lot rings on both hands flooded the blogosphere. Now it's time for multiple or double rings and specially for that one with a cross or a feather shape. There no doubt that this original new accessory has been crowned as a must for this season. I have just got mine form Asos and I absolutely love it!
Si quereis haceros con el vuestro os recomiendo que le echeis un vistazo a los modelos de Urban Outfitters pues ahora, y sólo hasta el día 23, obtendreis un descuento de 15€ por compras superiores a 65€ introduciendo el código de promoción HAPPYEU al realizar tu pedido!
If you want to get yours, I recommend you to have a look around Urban Outfitters website because they not only have nice ones, but also and just untill the 23rd January, you will get a 15€ discount introducing de promo code HAPPYEU at checkout, if you spend more than 65€. What are you waiting for?
Affordable Prom Dresses
Considering the available PROM Filming is easier than you think.
By Bella H
I fully understand that many of your parents may be working, even though they - the family decided on a budget. This budget on everything your family vacations Senior PROM. Your parents, you probably limit your PROM apparel and accessories. You're probably asking yourself, how can I possibly be in a gown, accessories and shoes for under $ 200, $ 300 or even $ 150. Let me tell you that it is not so difficult as you may think with A little creativity and time, you can budget your parents to meet and look absolutely beautiful, and it will do.
1. Find affordable dress: The Internet has taken to shopping at various levels. You may also just something about going to the Internet these days, from cars to clothing - you will find the world wide web. There are many web sites and clothing trade with this growing competition in selling discounts and special offers to attract buyers. Most buy their PROM dress gowns by designers sites and then sell them in retail price. For the most part, retail price is more or less the same throughout the council. For example, Tony Bowls gown you see the site at about the same price to another site. But there are ways you can still get a discount. For starters, call the customer service number for the site and ask if they have any special discount codes that you can use. In general, most sites offer free shipping when you spend over a certain amount of money - if you are shopping online, which does not offer, will call their customer service department and ask for a free shipping coupon code.
2. Find Affordable Sho
es available PROM `Purchasing shoes will not prove to be a much easier task than buying a cheap PROM dress. The main advice I would give these shoes you can wear on another occasion, as well as buy. There is nothing worse than a pair of shoes can you wear only once. So that means that you want to completely avoid dyeable shoes. Your mother may exert pressure on you to do (well, I hope he is not), but dyeable shoes, should be avoided at all costs: Strappy sandals, open heels and stilettos are always a great look for evening gowns.
3. Find affordable Us: When it comes to PROM dress accessories, you will only be three different things - if any all. About things in your jewelry, pocket, and something to sit on your shoulders, if a little cold weather. If you are in a hot climate, or after your PROM of years, you do not have to worry about that all. It is very romantic (and modern) to your date of his claim or tuxedo jacket to put on your shoulders if you are really cold. Thus, for the most part, a jacket is not completely necessary. The type of jewelry you need will depend on the particular style of dress. If you wear a dress to the high quality of, say, an Asian-style dress Geisha is the only jewelry that you want to be put on earrings and a bracelet. If you are wearing a strapless gown, or a complete bracelet, earring and necklace set will be. Cute costume jewelry is relatively easy to com
e by. You should not and must not be more than $ 50 of your jewelry for a cheap costume jewelry, go to your local beauty supply store. Just look at "beauty supply store" in your area if you do not know where you are.
By Bella H
1. Find affordable dress: The Internet has taken to shopping at various levels. You may also just something about going to the Internet these days, from cars to clothing - you will find the world wide web. There are many web sites and clothing trade with this growing competition in selling discounts and special offers to attract buyers. Most buy their PROM dress gowns by designers sites and then sell them in retail price. For the most part, retail price is more or less the same throughout the council. For example, Tony Bowls gown you see the site at about the same price to another site. But there are ways you can still get a discount. For starters, call the customer service number for the site and ask if they have any special discount codes that you can use. In general, most sites offer free shipping when you spend over a certain amount of money - if you are shopping online, which does not offer, will call their customer service department and ask for a free shipping coupon code.
2. Find Affordable Sho
3. Find affordable Us: When it comes to PROM dress accessories, you will only be three different things - if any all. About things in your jewelry, pocket, and something to sit on your shoulders, if a little cold weather. If you are in a hot climate, or after your PROM of years, you do not have to worry about that all. It is very romantic (and modern) to your date of his claim or tuxedo jacket to put on your shoulders if you are really cold. Thus, for the most part, a jacket is not completely necessary. The type of jewelry you need will depend on the particular style of dress. If you wear a dress to the high quality of, say, an Asian-style dress Geisha is the only jewelry that you want to be put on earrings and a bracelet. If you are wearing a strapless gown, or a complete bracelet, earring and necklace set will be. Cute costume jewelry is relatively easy to com
Short sleeve puff sleeve
collar sweater
Heavy and best quality
Plain vent design
come with 2 side pockets
Colours:Black(SOLD),Beige,Dark Brown,Light Brown
Material: Imported acrylic/wool/polyester
Short sleeve puff sleeve
collar sweater
Heavy and best quality
Plain vent design
come with 2 side pockets
Colours:Black(SOLD),Beige,Dark Brown,Light Brown
Material: Imported acrylic/wool/polyester
The long cardigan
come with 2 side pocket
3/4 sleeve
High Quality cotton
Thick and nice
more cashmere,more luxurious feel
Colours:Black,Light Grey,Dark Grey
NEW Colour: Brown
Material: Imported Cotton
come with 2 side pocket
3/4 sleeve
High Quality cotton
Thick and nice
more cashmere,more luxurious feel
Colours:Black,Light Grey,Dark Grey
NEW Colour: Brown
Material: Imported Cotton
Halter neck bareback
flare and nice Maxi dress
tight with square diamond brooch
It looks elegant and pretty
Material: Imported Polyester/Spandex
Halter neck bareback
flare and nice Maxi dress
tight with square diamond brooch
It looks elegant and pretty
Material: Imported Polyester/Spandex
Toga fashionable dress
Side waist come with black chain
Totally elegant and sexy style for your outing
Smooth and nice material
Material: Imported Lycra
Toga fashionable dress
Side waist come with black chain
Totally elegant and sexy style for your outing
Smooth and nice material
Material: Imported Lycra
Embellished neck dress
High demand
Open cut on the shoulder part
Sexy key hole in front and at the back
Material: Imported Polyester/Spandex
Embellished neck dress
High demand
Open cut on the shoulder part
Sexy key hole in front and at the back
Material: Imported Polyester/Spandex
British India style
round neck long sleeve top
Waist smock lovely floral
Material like paper cotton
Very comfort
Material: Imported Linen
British India style
round neck long sleeve top
Waist smock lovely floral
Material like paper cotton
Very comfort
Material: Imported Linen
EH18--Promotion: Buy 1 RM16 Buy 2 RM30
Round Neck
3/4 sleeve
lovely hole on the shoulder
simple plain long top
Material: Imported Cotton
3/4 sleeve
lovely hole on the shoulder
simple plain long top
Material: Imported Cotton
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