Paris Fashion Week FW07 Wrapup III

The FW07 fashion shows are over. Sigh, one less thing I can do online to procrastinate from writing essays and doing my seemingly-never-ending reading now.

Nina Ricci
LOVE LOVE LOVEd this collection. Yes, that' s my first, second and on-going reaction for Olivier Theyskens' first collection for Nina Ricci. OK, so maybe this collection wasn't entirely Ricci style, but everything was sooo beautiful. And it helps that white, black and grey is my fav colour combination.
I've always thought white clothes for Winter collections were trite and cliche, but these feel so pure and etheral, in a modern-clothing way.
The middle outfit is one of my fav outfits here. That long, black and white top looks so cool as a casual top, but it could also be pulled together as a semi-formal one.
Look at those shoes and ribbons wrapped around the models' calves, platformed ballet shoes -so pretty and girly!
And more of the famous Theyskens dresses. Love the black dress (right) -it feels so dark angel. So gorgeous! If only I can afford Nina Ricci!
Miu Miu
More of Miuccia Prada's this season fav, the fake classics. Some of the fake classics are... really not so flattering and weird (like the red skirt on the right). It took awhile, but I did find outfits that reminded me of the past studious Miu Miu style, like the cardigans with belt across the waist.
As usual, the accessories from Miu Miu interested me more than the clothes. Go to to check out their detail shots. The shoes are pretty and most definitely different -another thing to look foward to next shopping season.
Louis Vuitton
While this collection isn't as pretty as the SS collection, it feels older, more mature. I guess Marc Jacobs really wants to push the more mature look on us.
The outfit on the left is so artist and mysterious feeling. And that knit adornment on the jacket on the right is on a lot of other clothes in the collection. Honestly, it just looks weird to me.
Gorgeous, luxurious office clothes.
I love the dress on the right -the single coloured theme and feathers make the dress look more beautiful and grownup, compared to the artsy, cute one Sasha has on (on the left).
Photo source: Elle
Alas for now, we can just stick to planning our SS outfits!


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