As an over-cautious young shopper, I buy way too much classic/ black and white clothes. Not that there's anything wrong with having a simple, classic style, it's just that we're only young once and this is THE time to experiment with pretty, colourful clothes. Sometimes it's just fun to liven up our wardrobe a bit. With everything on their final final final sale, why not take the oppurtunity to liven up your wardrobe? (See, this is how I have been justifying my friend's and my shopping purchases in the past two weeks. Makes sense doesn't it?)
After lowering my standards and making myself think 'colour', I ended up buying this super bright top from FCUK. It doesn't look great in the photo, but it flows well with body movement, the V-neck is great and it's length is perfect to go with skinny jeans or short-shorts. Believe me, it definitely looks better in real life than in this photo.
The brand that came up first when I thought about colourful tops was T-Bags. This is mostly because I spend way too much time on, but it's also one of those brands some people look nice in though I know I'll never buy. (The brand name is now also unfortunately associated with that ugly dude from Prison Break in my brain.) Oops, too much rambling about T-Bags. My point is, these two tops aren't really the simple tops I'm into these days, but they do look pretty and machine-washable for clubbing nights or summer days out, don't they?
The other brand that came to mind was Diane von Furstenburg. Unfortunately, almost all of the summer collection has been sold so I can't really find photos to show for, but I'm sure we all remember DvF as the brand to get colourful wrapdresses. They're always great for livening up one's wardrobe while keeping things classy.
OK so I'm not sure you get my point, but my point is, you're young and it's summer so liven up your closet with colourful clothes while everything is on sale!

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