Canon because after much asking around and photo comparison with my friends many different cameras, we concluded that ultimately the quality of Canon pictures were the best, both in and outdoors. From there I narrowed it down to the two newest models: Ixus 860 and Ixus 960. The Ixus 860 is really not bad, with 8 megapixels, 3.8x wide angle optical zoom, a huge 3" screen, wide angle option and all the standard antishock things. It even has a battery usage bar now, that tells you the battery status ahead unlike the previous models, which only tells you when you're running out. The only thing is, holding it in my hands, it feel huge, especially compared to the ones out there (and my previous camera, which is smaller than my phone).
Plus, besides the wide angle, the rest doesn't seem to compare with the Ixus 960, with 12 megapixels (I KNOW the more megapixels doesn't mean its better, but still...), 3.7x optical zoom, 2.5" screen, touch control D tech (whatever that means) and a titanium cover. Unfortunately, even though it has been announced, no one has seen it in reality yet and cannot testify to the size. If this one was slimmer and smaller than the Ixus 860 (like the Ixus 95, which I really really hope it is-though I've heard rumors to the contrary) then this will be my winner. I'm hoping it would come out before I leave for the States. If not however, we've got a problem...
...and I might have to switch to the Sony Cyber Shot T-200, also new this month and is not available in stores yet. Because function, design and size-wise, the Sony T-200 is clearly superior to the Canons. Not only does it look this pretty and is tiny, but it also has a 8.1 mega pixels, 5x optical zoom, a HUGE 3.5" touch screen and all the usual double anti shock things. PLUS, it has this cool new smile shutter feature, which detects everyone in the picture smiling and automatically takes the picture without clicking. Not exactly a very essential or practical function, but how cool is that? The only downside is that Sony cameras have a special Sony memory card to go with it, so I can't stick it into my laptop slot directly. The colors are also unnaturally richer/redder, though the salesperson claims that it was the "true" color. Indoor/dark photos also occasionally show up not sharp enough, though the outdoor photos are gorgeous! There is also the concern for the touch screen technology- if it falters then I am in big trouble...a digital camera IS a long term investment after all (it needs to last at LEAST 2 years). In addition, because it is touch screen and its huge, it probably consumes battery a lot faster. Oh and lastly the Sony is more expensive than the Canons (naturally).
Wow I've written a whole essay about this topic (if only they were so easy to write!). I am probably leaving a lot of important points out, but I'm obviously no expert on digital cameras. I'm going back later in a few weeks to check out the T200 and Ixus 960 in real (hopefully they will be there), and I am determined to finally get one. Which one would you go for?
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