Out of all the super designer footwear brands out there like Manolos and Jimmy Choos, my favourite is Christian Louboutins. I really want to be able to say that I love them all, but I've been to the stores and tried them on and to be honest, I've never really seen anything at the Jimmy Choo store that I really wanted to try on. As for Manolos, physically the designs don't look too special either. I heard it was the angle of the arch that is crazy comfortable, but I don't quite need that at this point in my life yet when there are so many decently comfortable black pumps out there still i.e. Fiona by Cole Haan. So yes, Manolos and Jimmy Choos are like wine- an acquired taste developed over time.
For me, the charm for Louboutins are just more obvious. Their designs are just more elegant and me. For their classic pumps, I like how the pointy toes are just so and is not severely pointy like the Manolo ones nor too blunt or god forbed- squared!
Their non-classic designs also just seem more youthful and fun. They also do a very nice slightly pointy yet well rounded toe. And isn't the whole silohuette just so gorgeous? And of course, there is also the signature red sole, which is just sooo cute! Although it makes me wonder, what happens when one walks on it for a while and the red sole is no longer red? Isn't it so sad to ruin something so pretty? I mean I know I shouldn't care too much, but personally I get upset when there is so much as a scratch on my new shoe (hence I am also the type who wants to "save" things for special days, but I am gradually learning the error of my ways in tha respect). How does everyone else deal? Or do Louboutin girls just don't care?

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