Afterwards, of course I went online and googled it up and sent it to HG and all my other girlfriends for their opinion. Most thought it was not me, but HG thought it was really cool. The two of us then proceeded to spend all night analyzing its pros and cons and how to wear it. It's tough, because it's a bit in between officey and casual, being too hip for the office but too formal for the streets. I was originally thinking just a black top and boots will do the trick. HG pointed out that it would look very officey and too formal looking, and that I got to wear it "hip" with bright colors like in the picture above. As I said before though, I'm not very fond of the styling above.

So in the end, I opted for the fun, youthful and easy to wear skirt instead and decided to leave sophistication for later. It all sounds very logical now, but trust me, it took a LOT of debate for me to get to this stage!
Image Source: Saks
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