The forecast called for rain, and it was drizzling a bit when I left the house, so I put on my rainboots expecting to splash in some puddles. But the rain never came, and I felt like a bit of an idiot walking around with heavy duty rainboots and a tweedy blazer. Am I still living in Vancouver? Where has all the rain gone? I changed later on in the day and put on a pair of brown booties. I called this look great depression chic version 2.0, because the Federal Reserve is between a rock and a hard place right now. Seemed fitting.
I don't know what my friend saw in a discarded can of beer, but I was into her matching tights and shoes contrasted against the blue wall.
The photo directly below reminds me of something my boyfriend would take.
I was fascinated with the dried lizards. Does anyone know what they're called? And what their purpose is? And how they're used?
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