Sarah phoned me mid-morning to ask if I was up for some mooching around the high street, and we somehow ended up at the Freemasons Hall in George street where there was an antiques fair. All for the entrance price of a pound fifty, we were in heaven! I almost wet myself when I saw a sterling silver art deco ring from the 30s. It was calling out my name, and that was that...the beginning of the end of my savings. We went crazy and bought everything our little hands could grab a hold of.
Oh the things my eyes feasted on! Diamante clips from the 30s, pre-raphaelite brooches, Victorian mourning rings and pendants, silver filigree jewellery, antique laces from the 20s, grandfathers clocks and vintage telephones. I could go on and on.
We were feeling quite smug about our discovery since none of the trendies were at the fair! Only middle-aged tweed wearing gentlemen locking arms with their wives , and some old grannies and grandpas who were equally exquisitely dressed, and then there was us.
After antiquing, Mills and I headed off to the Dome (which is so busy on a saturday afternoon. i hate that!) Before we could even order, we simultaneously laid our finds down on the table, assessed our purchases and giggled like two naughty little girls with a dirty little secret. The waiter, bless him, was at a lost for words when he saw all the jewels scattered everywhere.
The brooch that got away!!!! I cant believe Sarah spotted this little lady first. It is the most beautiful thing and I would give my arm to own this. I begged and pleaded, even kneeled before her at the fair, but alas she didnt give in. guh. I was thisclose to tearing my eyes out because they failed me.
Apart from jewellery, I also got myself some clothes (I am in possessionof the most beautiful lace top!) and this intricately beaded evening bag from the 30s-40s. It has silver beading and coiled metal set in the plushest velvet. Sarah thinks its well worth a fortune more than what I paid for. And I am not one to question a costume design guru.
The day ended with us going back to Sarah's flat where she gave me a beaded belt that once belonged to 2-time Bafta Costume Design awardee Dinah Collin (she was the designer of Pride and Predjudice- the real one with Colin Firth) and to google pictures of Cheryl Cole before she was famous and looked chav-ier than a neon tracksuit. We wanted to make ourselves feel good. Mission Accomplished.
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