My father, who is very wise and rarely makes an erroneous comment, tells me quite often that I was born in the wrong time. I think that he is right. There is no other explanation for my prudish nature, taste in fashion and love for Perry Como.
How ironic that I was brought to this world in a decade that I have no affection for.
To this day I consider being born in the 80s the first mistake I made in my life. If I had it my way, I would have been born in the late 40s, spend my childhood/adolescence in the 50s-60s, skip on the 70s by still wearing the 50/60s, and meet my Creator in the 80s. I know it's quite young but I have never been inclined to over-extend my welcome on this planet anyway.
She should have been me.
This dress, hat and gloves should have been hanging in my closet.
I should have lived among these women.
My latest acquistions:
A garnet ring in sterling silver long enough to envelop more than half my finger. I had been eyeing this thing of beauty for 3 weeks and finally decided my life would be incomplete without it. I need to get our jeweller to replace the marcasites with stones and to resize it for me before I can use it though...
This antique sterling silver filigree brooch that was too beautiful to walk away from! The dealer said that it was Victorian, and though the design is true to the aesthetics of the time, I'm almost certain that it was made much much later.
An art deco costume jewelry dress clip (picture: far right) made with paste.
I am obsessed with these things. I already own a pair that can be transformed to a brooch but I couldn't resist this geometric lady.
Lastly, this lipstick holder with a built-in mirror. Currently, it's attached to my MAC scarlet lipstick.
Pretty and practical. How could I say no to that?
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