Do you remember when I made a list with my favourite models? (if not just click here haha) Now I have to add another one, a 16 years old swedish girl, you know who I'm talking about? yeahh she's Frida Gustavsson, the new it model.
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¿Quién dijo miedo que los colores vivos no son para el invierno? Fuera quien fuese está claro que no conocía a Ana Locking, creadora de, sin duda alguna, una de las mejores colecciones presentadas en el marco de la 51º edición de la CMFW.
Chaquetas de hombros armados, minivestidos con formas estructuradas, casi papiroflexicas, faldas de líneas futuristas, dandole protagonismo a cintura y hombros, maxi bolsos de mano, grandes joyas geométricas, escotes drapeados, cuñas con tiras de cuero; todo inundado de color, un deseo de alegrar el póximo otoño-invierno con un mix total de la paleta de colores.
- Próximo destino: Ciebeles en detalles. Stay tuned!
Edito para anunciar dos interesantes sorteos: 1- Streetstylefree sortea dos preciosas piezas de Les Jumelles. 2- Recien Llegada sortea una blackberry! (sisi habeis leido bien)
Vuelvo a editar para mencionar, ya que le dedico el post a Ana Locking, su participación con la nueva web YFSpain, un site dedicado al diseño exclusivo, fabricación y venta on-line de accesorios de firma española. Su proyecto se ha puesto en marcha con dos colecciones de gafas de sol que ya han desfilado por la recién finalizada CibelesMFW, una creada por la propia Ana y otra por Juanjo Oliva.
The Witchery
Last night I had a meal of epic greatness to celebrate the death of my dissertation (may you forever rest in peace) at the Witchery.
Just a few doors from the Castle, this culinary gem set in a 16th century edifice was worth weeks of eager anticipation.
The food was delight in every bite. The service was unparalleled. The interiors, discretely extravagant. Even the ladies room deserves compliments for being spotless and well-stocked with Molton Brown toiletries. As far as fine dining in Scotland goes, I don't think any other restaurant could ever compare. Sorry to rhapsodize and bore you, but the meal was so good it had to be done. Really, the only thing that failed to enthuse me was the uninteresting peach melba dessert.

Just a few doors from the Castle, this culinary gem set in a 16th century edifice was worth weeks of eager anticipation.
The food was delight in every bite. The service was unparalleled. The interiors, discretely extravagant. Even the ladies room deserves compliments for being spotless and well-stocked with Molton Brown toiletries. As far as fine dining in Scotland goes, I don't think any other restaurant could ever compare. Sorry to rhapsodize and bore you, but the meal was so good it had to be done. Really, the only thing that failed to enthuse me was the uninteresting peach melba dessert.
Assiete de charcuterie Iberico.
The ham on the side had the most divine artichoke and caper stuffing.
It is the stuff clouds and dreams are made of.
The ham on the side had the most divine artichoke and caper stuffing.
It is the stuff clouds and dreams are made of.
This made my tongue dance all night.
Peach Melba. Never again.
This picture lies.
This is the real us.
I could really get use to these leisurely evenings.
I'm already planning my next epic meal with Alex.
The Tower, Oui?
I could really get use to these leisurely evenings.
I'm already planning my next epic meal with Alex.
The Tower, Oui?
Twist & Shout
(from AnOther via fashiongonerogue)
I've been lusting over all that draped gorgeousness over at Burberry Prorsum for way too long!
Twists, ruching, layers, drapes, and knots..oh my!
CONFIRMADO: cada vez me gusta menos la NY Fashion Week y cada vez más el producto español. Al otro lado del Atlántico creo que salvo dos o tres colecciones (vease Mulberry y Michael Kors).
Sin embargo, las presentadas al menos hasta ahora en Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week, a la que a pesar de tener invitaciones no he podido asistir (malditos exámenes), son cada vez de mejor calidad, más innovación y más creatividad. Seguramente ya las habreis visto (y no solo en fotos pues los videos de los desfiles están disponibles en la nueva web de Vogue) pero este es mi resumen personal.
Vayamos por partes: Primera jornada, el Ego
Sara Coleman que inauguró esta edición de la pasarela, presentó su propuesta con el gris, el negro y el violeta como protagonistas, acompañados de formas limpias y sencillas que juegan con el volumen.
Carlos Doblas, que repitió participación en el Ego, nos mostró un 'invierno' lleno de contrastes y colores ácidos, de pelo artificial y plástico como materiales estrella.
American Perez, ganadores del premio L'Oreal a la mejor colección del Ego, enseñaron una colección que juega con las capas, las transparencias y el espíritu girlie.
Cati Serrà por su parte, llenó la pasarela de prendas de punto abierto, estampados florales en tonos pastel y leggins de cuero a base de tiras.
Estos son mis favoritos pero también pudimos ver en escena los diseños de Beba's Closet, Georgina Ordinas, Anjara Solitas, Isabel Mastache y Maya Hansen.En la primera jornada de Cibeles, también la ya consagrada diseñadora Carmen March, presentó su colección en el Off Cibeles. Sin duda una de mis favoritas de lo que llevamos visto
The Wanderers
Title: The Wanderers
Magazine: Vogue US March 2010
Models: Karlie Kloss, Patricia van der Vliet, Abbey Lee Kershaw
Photographer: Arthur Elgort
Magazine: Vogue US March 2010
Models: Karlie Kloss, Patricia van der Vliet, Abbey Lee Kershaw
Photographer: Arthur Elgort
via fashiongonerogue
Prints + Texture + Layers = some of my favorite things about dressing up. I'm sure you guys all know by now how much adore mixing and (mis)matching. No surprise that I've completely fallen in love with this editorial. I'm definitely inspired.
Caroline's blog has been always a must read for me. She makes an incredible job at the studio and she shows us how working as a stylist and photographer is. In the following photoshot she selected 14 pieces in order to create 14 different fashionable looks. If you want to get inspired and to look perfect for the next season. Take note!
The outfits are amazing, but the thing went better when I discovered she was organizing a contest to win your favourite look! What a great idea, isn't it?
Mine it's number 9 (the one I will participate with). Which it's yours?
En cuanto me sea posible, mi visión de la 51ª edición de Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week, la cual por lo que he visto hasta el momento, no tiene desperdicio! Estad atentos...
Mexican inspired top, BKK printed top, F21 skirt, H&M belt, thrifted belt, sunglasses from BKK
photo credit: Mom!
The weather makes me want to sit around in a nice cabaña with a tall glass of lemonade!
Must go to the beach very soon!
La noticia corrió como el viento ya hace unos meses, la prestigiosa revista Harper's Bazaar tendría versión española. Hoy el jueves 18 se hace realidad, Harper's Bazaar España llegará a los quioscos y ya tenemos su primera portada.
La elegida para protagonizarla ha sido ni más ni menos que la top Carmen Kass, fotografiada por el español Nico. Llega una nueva era.
Four things and a few photos
coat, shoes: zara; skirts: miss selfridge and hm; earrings : jul dizon; bag: chanel; top: religioso; lace long cardigan: vintage; floral garland necklace: diva from miss selfridge
Two weeks ago, Sarah gave me the most wonderful present! She texted me to say that she got me something that would make me love her forever. She was right, alright! When she handed me the most gorgeous vintage shoes my eyes have ever beheld, I knew I our friendship was sealed for eternity. I wore them everyday for a week until, one day, the heels gave up on me.
I had not planned on blogging the succeeding pictures, but theyre the only ones I have before the shoes' demise....
Two weeks ago, Sarah gave me the most wonderful present! She texted me to say that she got me something that would make me love her forever. She was right, alright! When she handed me the most gorgeous vintage shoes my eyes have ever beheld, I knew I our friendship was sealed for eternity. I wore them everyday for a week until, one day, the heels gave up on me.
I had not planned on blogging the succeeding pictures, but theyre the only ones I have before the shoes' demise....
fur: hm; dress: river island; brocade vest: dries van noten; cardigan: gap;belt: vintage moschino;bag shoes necklace and earrings: vintage; cuff: fendi and from gran
Fare thee well, most perfect shoe!
Because I couldn't find it in my heart to bin the shoes, I decided to pluck the pearl clips and attach them to my vintage lizard shoes. Theyre no DIY masterpiece, but considering my lack of talent and creativity, I don't think I did too bad.
Because I couldn't find it in my heart to bin the shoes, I decided to pluck the pearl clips and attach them to my vintage lizard shoes. Theyre no DIY masterpiece, but considering my lack of talent and creativity, I don't think I did too bad.
Et Voila!
Recently, I have acquired a few antique gold rings and an acrylic enamel cuff. The rings are rather tiny (very un-'me' to be honest), but I genuinely love them to bits.
Art deco ruby and diamond ring from the 30s. The rubies are darker in real life.
Fendi acrylic enamel cuff I got from work.
My dissertation. Pray I live through it!
Recently, I have acquired a few antique gold rings and an acrylic enamel cuff. The rings are rather tiny (very un-'me' to be honest), but I genuinely love them to bits.
Art deco ruby and diamond ring from the 30s. The rubies are darker in real life.
Fendi acrylic enamel cuff I got from work.
My dissertation. Pray I live through it!
In Pants
Topshop top, R.A.F pants, H&M belt, VNC sandals
I think I found the comfiest pants ever! They feel like pajamas.
Plus! I'm really loving the draping detail in front
PS. Happy Valentines Day!
Maybe in your city you don't celebrate carnival, but where I live it's so common to dress up as something this time of the year. The other day I found out these images lost in my computer and I decided to put them all together. Actually I'm not going to wear and indian costume but I think it's quite funny to put some feathers on.
Hail McQueen
via kin ho photography
"McQueen's SS collection raised fashion to high art - widely praised, hailed as genius, everyone rhapsodic. And so the question will be: Why?"
- StyleWriterNYC tweet (
R.I.P Alexander McQueen
17 March 1969 - 11 February 2010
What a way to start fashion week. :(
No suelo correr al ordenador para actualizar pero al oir en la radio la noticia no pude hacer otra cosa. Alexander McQueen ha fallecido, se ha suicidado. Lo sé, yo tampoco me lo creo. Adios al enfant terrible y a sus increibles ingenios, adios a un artista. Podeis leer la noticia aquí
Maybe you don't remember but some months ago I showed you the fall / winter collection from a french brand called Iro and I said that way was exclatly how I wanted to look like this winter. Here it's the new collection and I can say I re-afirm my opinion.
'This is how wanna look this spring/summer'
1 - La web Magna Selectio nace con el propósito de consolidarse como referencia del lujo y la exclusividad en España. Una web con un diseño perfecto, sencillo a la par que elegante; en la que poder encontrar un cuidado directorio de las mejores tiendas así como noticias y promociones abarcando áreas como arte, gastronomía, moda, decoración...
2 - Si os gusta la moda y buscais un rincon donde discutir acerca de los temas que más os interesan y crear vuestra propia agenda de eventos no dejeis de uniros a Delance Fashion Community, una nueva red social lanzada por una blogger danesa.
3 - Como quien dice la primavera está al caer, y !que ganas de que llegué! Sobre todo cuando empiezas a ver las colecciones y lookbooks de todas las firmas y que las prendas de nueva temporada inundan las tiendas. Una de estas colecciones S/S es la de Women'secret, a la cual yo soy totalmente fiel. Prendas de lencería muy femeninas, llenas de alegres flores y con lo colores de la temporada combinados con delicados encajes que juegan con la dualidad de interior-exterior que tanto dará que hablar.
4 - Llega San Valentín y todos nos merecemos comprar un regalo especial, tengamos pareja o no. Diferentes diseñadores emergentes mostrarán lo que están haciendo y pondrán a la venta sus colecciones el próximo sábado 13 en el mercadillo 'Sin registrar' . Más info aquí.
5 - Glossy Magazine acaba de lanzar su 5º número y no tiene desperdicio. A través de más de 200 páginas en las que os encontrareis entrevistas al fotógrafo Nick Knight, la modelo Rosie Huntington, un reportage sobre la ilustradora Laura Laine, y multitud de colaboraciones más. Además acaban de sacar una nueva version impresa por encargo! No podeis perderoslo!
Comeback Kid
photo by Steph Zanirato
models: Mico Lumanlan, Marco Limjap, Javi Marcalain
styling: Miguel Santos & me!
art direction: Miguel Aranaz
Another one of my little projects.
Meet the Comeback Kid
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