Atlanta - Fashion Night Out

Atlanta Event - September 8-12, 2011

If you have a passion for fashion and will be in Atlanta between September 8-12th, then you probably don't want to miss the opportunity to be entertained by Atlanta's Fashion Icons and trends-setters. Atlanta's own Mayor Kasim Reed will be on deck and he states, "Last year, I hit the shops, and I plan to again this year. Those who know me know that I appreciate fashion, and I am thrilled that Atlanta is a fashion-conscious city.”

The event will honor those who have in many instances "lit-up" the run-way in fashion and paved the way for all of our Honey-coated and Chocolate-shaded Americans. Tyson Beckford and Kenny Lattimore along with other notable designers will recognize the fashion legends Bethann Hardison and the late fashion designer Willi Smith at the A Night To Remember event at Atlantic Station. Some of the sponsor's include Bentley, Moda Creative Design, and Vitamin Water.

For more information, event details and hotel information, click on and follow and @FNOatl on Twitter.

Source: TheExaminer
Atlanta Event - Fashion Night Out
Fun2no Fashions


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