Go shoe crazy! (Add us on BlogLovin'!)

shoes from Tint
Just a quick post on my newest shoes that I got for 50% off! What do you guys think of it?
Also, I'm leaving for Bangkok tomorrow...so I might be MIA for a bit.
I haven't been there since I was 15 so I'm sure a lot has changed.
Do you guys have any suggestions on the best places to shop?
Happy April Fool's Day, everyone!!!!
shoes from Tint
Just a quick post on my newest shoes that I got for 50% off! What do you guys think of it?
Also, I'm leaving for Bangkok tomorrow...so I might be MIA for a bit.
I haven't been there since I was 15 so I'm sure a lot has changed.
Do you guys have any suggestions on the best places to shop?
Happy April Fool's Day, everyone!!!!
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