Vintage hat, thrifted blazer, Jacob sweater, H&M tee, Zara jeans, Aldo shoes.
And here is what I purchased:
Giant sequins! I love the way this sweater fits. It doesn't look like it came from a thrift store at all! Do you think that maybe Christopher Kane's famous sequined collection was inspired by something he found in a thrift store?
Just a cozy sweater. Can't get enough of them since it's still barely warming up here. I like the panels of different yarn.
This is quite honestly the best blazer I've ever scored second hand. It even has leather detailing!
Another great blazer. The green threads woven into have a slight sheen that I'm finding very appealing.
And lastly, a poofy purple dress that fits like a glove. It fits almost too well. So well that it's hard to move my arms... I tried to style it away from looking too much like an 80s prom dress. Success?
I hope I'll have more out in the daylight photos come April/May when the semester finishes. I'm getting bored of taking photos in the crappy lighting of my room.
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