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Last night:
dress: custom made, bag: aranaz, shoes: roland cartier from jenners, cuff: jul dizon
With my bestie and partner in food crimes!
The two girls whose lives never seem to have a dull moment
Last night:
I love how after 3 years and a jazillion miles apart, I can still come home and have a nice chatty evening with good old friends and feel like nothing has changed.
Well...maybe except the bushy eyebrows. Im so glad that since graduating highschool, we've discovered the wonders of plucking.
Well...maybe except the bushy eyebrows. Im so glad that since graduating highschool, we've discovered the wonders of plucking.
Last week:
I wore this red dress a couple of weeks back to Jul Dizon's charitable event at the Shangri-La Hotel. The venue was magical. Like, it's not even a euphemism when I say that there were pink birds in room.Read more about the event and the works of the formidable Dizon sisters in Candy and Janina's blogs.
What is it with me and eating the same food for 4 months straight,
listening to the same song on repeat,
ordering the same food in restaurants,
and embracing one decade of fashion/wearing the same style?
Over and over and over again until I get sick of it!
*Ill post the last of my outfits in Japan in a few days. I accidentally erased some of the pics in my camera so I have to snatch some pictures from my sister when I go to Singapore tomorrow
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