Thank you everyone for wishing me well on my exams! That's one down and four to go. Oh boy. I'm actually not quite sure how well I did in the French exam. I'm pretty sure I did well on the essay but the grammar analysis was another story. They didn't give us freebies that's for sure. Oh and Alice, I can't actually speak french fluently. I'm a bit too timid and fumble with my words too much. I guess that's what happens when you only study grammar and are fishing your brain for the perfect sentence. It just doesn't come naturally yet, but I would like to immerse myself in the language for a few months sometime after I graduate.
It's a beautiful sunny day out today but I'm sort of stuck inside. So here is what I'm wearing around the house (sans shoes).

Jacob sweater, thrifted vest, Topshop pants, Aldo shoes.
I love these pants but I just wish they were a few inches longer! Almost all of my pants are too short actually. Not the best look sometimes.
Oh and does anyone know what country this vest I'm wearing may have come from? It's made from leather. I'm guessing south east Asia, because it doesn't feel too Chinese, but I'm not really sure. It would be nice to find out the back story behind it.

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