Never eat at Gusto Edinburgh

Yesterday was my day off.
It had a pretty awful start but soon picked up when I saw Alex and Sarah.
But then it went downhill again after we got the WORST service known to mankind at Gusto : 135 George Street. Seriously, don't even THINK of eating there. It was BAD on all levels. (May I, instead, suggest Tigerlily just next to it where I have never had a non-wonderful experience.)

Anyway, Al and I went fit finding after the epic failure of a meal which made everything seem better. We even found some sticky weed which we wore around Castle Terrace before heading back to our side of town. To cap things off, we greedily dug into some fresh rhubarb crumble and custard that he baked. Yum.

So that was my day. How was yours?


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