Sweet Mich

I thought I had died and gone to fashion heaven when I saw Mich Dulce's collection in stylebible.

Feelings after clicking through the entire collection? An intense longing to rip that top off bryan's back and wear it for the rest of my life.

My first encounter with Mich was when I was in high school (we're both Povedans!). My school was going through its gimmicky phase and started introducing different workshops and classes that weren't part of our regular curriculum. Needless to say, I took the fashion design workshop. Never mind that I couldn't draw a decent stick figure, I wanted to meet Mich! It was just a one-day course but she showed us her lookbook which pushed me to create my own lookbook with magazine cut-outs of photographs that inspired me. Little did she know what a profound impact it would have in my life because:

For the rest of high school I was known as the girl who favored snipping magazines instead of actually listening in class.

edit: I read my post again and it makes me sound so FC with Mich. I promise,she doesn't actually know I exist.

***THANKS TO our spanish reader magika for a blog award and her sweet words :

http://littlemissdressup.blogspot.com/ en la otra punta del mundo... pero con un estilo impecable... looks perfectos! estas chicas no pueden ser de verdad! =D

http://littlemissdressup.blogspot.com/ from different sides of the world..with impeccable styles...and perfect looks! these girls are too good to be true!



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